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Mishkin Berteig



Mishkin Berteig leads, mentors, trains and coaches teams and organizations, managers and executives. Mishkin helps organizations become more effective by using methods such as OpenAgile, Scrum and Lean.

These methods present the best balance between chaos and bureaucracy; they allow human creativity and problem solving to flourish in the service of tangible corporate and organizational goals.  

Mishkin has served as a coach, a project manager, a senior consultant, a mentor, a methodology consultant, an instructor, a senior software architect and a team lead on various projects, mostly in the financial services industry, but also including education, healthcare, engineering, high-tech, oil and gas, and others. Mishkin has 15 years of professional experience. Mishkin publishes articles and thoughts about agile on Agile Advice.
Some of Mishkin's past and current clients include Siemens, Nortel, CapitalOne, Workbrain, Charles Schwab, Wachovia, Telus, Liberty Mutual Insurance, the United States Department of Defense, and numerous smaller organizations. Mishkin has trained people from Canada, the United States, India, China, the Middle East and Europe.
"Highly informative. Divided into extremely flexible and customizable modules. Fun exercises. Excellent delivery. Highly recommended." - Miroslaw Lawczys, Software Development Manager at Nortel.
"Mishkin really kept it real in relating the topics to real world situations. Made learning easier and fun." - Jeff Pick, Quest


Mishkin Berteig,ScrumAlliance认证培训师和资深敏捷教练。Mishkin Berteig为众多团队、组织、管理者及执行者提供着指导、顾问、培训及教授服务。Mishkin通过使用例如像Agile Work(敏捷方法)、Scrum及Lean精益等方法来帮助企业组织执行得更加有效。


 Mishkin在多种项目中担任讲师、项目经理、高级咨询师、顾问、方法咨询师、指导者、高级软件设计师及团队领导者等,特别是金融行业;同时也在教育、保健、工程、高科技、石油及其他行业担任这些角色。Mishkin有15年的职业经验,同时也是一位认证的Scrum培训师,有多年培训、指导Scrum的经验。他在Agile Advice (http://www.agileadvice.com/)上发表了许多关于敏捷的文章及思想。

Mishkin的客户有:Siemens(西门子), Nortel (北电), Adobe ,CapitalOne(信贷公司), Workbrain(全球成长最快的前50名软件公司之一), Charles Schwab(嘉信理财), Wachovia(瓦乔维亚银行), Telus(加拿大移动运营商), Liberty Mutual Insurance(利保相互保险集团,美国,全球500强第302位), the United States Department of Defense(美国国防部), 以及其他无数的小型企业组织。他培训过的人来自世界各地:加拿大、美国、印度、中国、中东地区及欧洲。

Mishkin的客户对他的Agile, Scrum等培训课程的部分评价:

“Mishkin在把主题与现实世界形式紧密结合,用实际例子讲解。他使得学习更加容易、有趣。” — Jeff Pick, Quest

“Mishkin的研究班广阔、实际、充满着真实世界的智慧。他专注于核心概念,这正是我所要寻找的。” — David LeBlanc “

这个ScrumMaster认证培训非常吸引人且一点也不无聊。课堂上的练习在展示主题、Scrum思想时不仅非常的有帮助,而且非常的有意思!强烈推荐,谢谢!” — Tina Lovasic [Q.A. & S.M. of Tucows]

“Mishkin是个非凡的专家。他有非常棒的分析头脑,并愿意与人分享、愿意教授。在熟知所有理论的同时,他给复杂的软件开发领域带来了实用的方法。我强列推荐他的服务。” — Bernard Clark [VP Biz Dev at Ivar Jacobson Consulting] 关于Mishkin作为指导的评价

“Mishkin在追求敏捷原则的深入理解及其实践应用方面是毫不疲倦的。他的博客是我经常访问的其中之一,我总是能从他写的东西里得到与团队及组织合作方面新的洞察。Mishkin与其他人交流、互动上,展现着非常少见的诚实、勇气和无畏等美德,这使得他在Scrum领域赢得了很高的尊重。” — Tobias Mayer [Agile Trainer/Coach at Agile Thinking] 关于Mishkin作为敏捷指导的评价

“Mishkin是位出色的教育者。准备充分、知识渊博,合作意识强且思想开放。他对ScrumMaster资料的展示、诠释完全超过我的预料。对Scrum,敏捷, Lean frameworks及方法感兴趣的人,我强列推荐Mishkin这位培训师。” — Vernon Stinebaker [Solutions Architect - China GDC at Perficient, Inc.] 关于ScrumMaster认证课程 

